Sound impacts us on a elementals level. In fact, research shows us that sounds consist of vibrations that affect us on a cellular level, impacting the brain, nerve, muscle and organ function.
For instance, the sound of nails screeching on a chalkboard sets out teeth on edge, a loud crash startles us causing us to jump in fear.
However, the sound of the waves soothes us and a melodious chime puts us in a good mood. These reactions involve neural, physiological and biochemical reactions within the body as our minds and body sync to the vibrations of sound.
Sound Healing aims to channel the power of these sound vibrations for relaxation and healing.
Sound Therapy can significantly alter brain waves, changing agitated wave patterns to exceptionally calm wave forms, As our brain waves slow down we shift from an active state to a more relaxed, dreamlike state and in this state our breathing, heart rate and blood pressure decrease helps our immune system function more effectively, reduces our stress hormones and triggers the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain.